.XYZ domain for free!
For buying any hosting service with an FREE-XYZ-2023 coupon
until 31.12.2023
Free .XYZ domain registration
Buy any hosting service for any period (month or year - it doesn't matter) and get .XYZ domain registration for one year absolutely free!
How to get a free domain:
1.Order any hosting service (shared hosting, CMS hosting, website builder, or VPS) for any period on our website.
2.At the second step, come up with a domain name (for example, perfect-domain.xyz) and type it in the domain registration field.
3.At the third step, click the "I have a coupon" button, paste the FREE-XYZ-2023 coupon, and click "Apply".
4.The price of your domain might not be updated immediately in the cart, it's okay. Complete the order by clicking "Next". You will see an invoice where the domain price will be zero.
get my free domain →Please note:
- This promo applies to all free .XYZ domains, except premium ones.
- This promo allows you to register one .XYZ domain for one year for free for buying one hosting service.
- This promo is limited in time and is valid until 31.12.2023.